2025 |
Conclusion of the Consultation on Enhancements to the Free Float Adjustment Factor Methodology
Conclusion of the Consultation on Enhancements to the Free Float Adjustment Factor Methodology
Simulated List for ACWI Constituents - Enhancements to Free Float Adjustment Factor Methodology
Consultation on Decarbonization Trajectory Adjustments for MSCI Equity CTB/PAB Indexes
Consultation on Decarbonization Trajectory Adjustments for MSCI Equity CTB/PAB Indexes
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
2024 |
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Momentum Indexes and MSCI Minimum Volatility Indexes Methodologies
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Momentum Indexes and MSCI Minimum Volatility Indexes Methodologies
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI SRI Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI SRI Indexes Methodology
Simulated List of Constituents - MSCI SRI Indexes Methodology
Simulated List of Constituents for the Proposed and Alternate Oil & Gas Screen - MSCI SRI Indexes Methodology
Consultation on a Potential Subcategorization of Frontier Markets
Consultation on a Potential Subcategorization of Frontier Markets
Consultation on Potential Enhancement to the Size and Liquidity Requirements of the MSCI Market Classification Framework
Consultation on Potential Enhancement to the Size and Liquidity Requirements of the MSCI Market Classification Framework
Follow-up Consultation on Constituent Weighting and Capping Methodology for the MSCI Islamic Index Series
Follow-up Consultation on Constituent Weighting and Capping Methodology for the MSCI Islamic Index Series
Conclusion of Consultation to rename certain MSCI ESG Indexes
Conclusion of Consultation to rename certain MSCI ESG Indexes
Consultation on a Potential Enhancement to the MSCI ACWI IMI Virology Index Methodology
Consultation on a Potential Enhancement to the MSCI ACWI IMI Virology Index Methodology
Consultation on a Potential Enhancement to the MSCI ACWI IMI Virology Index Methodology-Supplementary Materials
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on Enhancements to the Free Float Adjustment Factor Methodology
Consultation on Enhancements to the Free Float Adjustment Factor Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Quality Indexes Methodologies
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Quality Indexes Methodologies
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Quality Indexes Methodologies – Supplementary Materials
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on Methodology Enhancement to the MSCI Islamic Index Series and the MSCI Islamic Index M-Series
Consultation on Methodology Enhancement to the MSCI Islamic Index Series and the MSCI Islamic Index M-Series
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the Holiday Treatment for the MSCI Hedged Indexes, the MSCI FX Hedge Indexes and the MSCI Adaptive Hedged Indexes Methodologies
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the Holiday Treatment for the MSCI Hedged, the MSCI FX Hedge and the MSCI Adaptive Hedge Indexes Methodologies
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on the 2024 Market Classification Proposals
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for Bulgaria
Consultation on proposal to rename MSCI Sustainable Impact Index
Consultation on proposal to rename MSCI Sustainable Impact Index
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Climate Change Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Climate Change Indexes Methodology
Simulated List of Constituents – MSCI Climate Change Indexes Methodology
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes Methodology
Simulated List of Constituents - Consultation Proposals for the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes
Simulated List of Constituents - Consultation Results for the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes
Consultation on proposal to rename three MSCI ESG Indexes
Consultation on proposal to rename three MSCI ESG Indexes
Consultation on Enhancements to the Extreme Price Increase Methodology
Consultation on Enhancements to the Extreme Price Increase Methodology
Simulated Impact from the Consultation on Enhancements to the Extreme Price Increase Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Global ex Controversial Weapons and MSCI Global ex Tobacco Involvement Indexes Methodologies
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Global ex Controversial Weapons and MSCI Global ex Tobacco Involvement Indexes Methodologies
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
2023 |
Consultation on Changes to the List of Eligible Markets for the MSCI Frontier Markets 100 and MSCI Frontier Markets 15% Country Capped Indexes
Consultation on Changes to the List of Eligible Markets for the MSCI Frontier Markets 100 and MSCI Frontier Markets 15% Country Capped Indexes
Consultation on Treatment of Depositary Receipts (DRs) where underlying shares are not available for trading
Consultation on Treatment of Depositary Receipts (DRs) where underlying shares are not available for trading
Consultation on Enhancement to the MSCI Unexpected Market Closure Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Enhancement to the MSCI Unexpected Market Closure Indexes Methodology
Consultation on the 2023 Market Classification Proposals
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Nigeria Index
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to MSCI Climate Action Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to MSCI Climate Action Indexes Methodology
Simulated List of Constituents - MSCI Climate Action Indexes Methodology
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on Potential Enhancement to the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancement to the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) Methodology
Simulated List of Constituents - MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) Methodology
2022 |
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to MSCI Climate Paris Aligned Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to MSCI Climate Paris Aligned Indexes Methodology
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Simulated List of Constituents for Certain MSCI Climate Paris Aligned Indexes (enhancements at the November 2023 Index Review)
Simulated List of Constituents for Certain MSCI Climate Paris Aligned Indexes (enhancements at the May 2024 Index Review)
Consultation on Potential Changes to Select MSCI Thematic Index Methodologies
Consultation on Potential Changes to Select MSCI Thematic Index Methodologies
Thematic Consultation Sep 2022 Link to Spreadsheet With Simulated Portfolios
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI ESG Screened Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI ESG Screened Indexes Methodology
Simulated List of Constituents for the MSCI World ESG Screened and MSCI EM ESG Screened Indexes
Simulated Impact – MSCI World ESG Screened and MSCI EM ESG Screened Indexes
Consultation on Potential Changes to the MSCI Frontier Markets Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Changes to the MSCI Frontier Markets Indexes Methodology
Simulated Lists of Constituents for Frontier Markets Indexes
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Nigeria Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Nigeria Index
Consultation on Introducing Quarterly Comprehensive Index Reviews for Non-Market Capitalization Weighted Indexes
Consultation on Introducing Quarterly Comprehensive Index Reviews for Non-Market Capitalization Weighted Indexes
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Q&A: Quarterly Comprehensive Index Review Implementation Details
Consultation on potential changes to MSCI Thematic Index Methodologies
Consultation on potential changes to MSCI Thematic Index Methodologies
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on Potential Enhancement to the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancement to the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index Methodology
Consultation on potential maximum value of active exposure to the target factors of the MSCI Diversified Multiple Factor ("DMF") Index Methodology
Consultation on potential maximum value of active exposure to the target factors of the MSCI Diversified Multiple Factor ("DMF") Index Methodology
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on Potential Changes to the Liquidity Requirement in the MSCI US Equity Indexes
Consultation on Potential Changes to the Liquidity Requirement in the MSCI US Equity Indexes
Consultation on potential enhancement of the MSCI Low Carbon Leaders Indexes and MSCI Low Carbon Target Indexes methodologies
Consultation on potential enhancement of the MSCI Low Carbon Leaders Indexes and MSCI Low Carbon Target Indexes methodologies
Simulated ESG Exclusions - MSCI Low Carbon Indexes
Simulated Impact - Key MSCI Low Carbon Leaders Indexes
Simulated Impact - Key MSCI Low Carbon Target Indexes
Simulated List of Constituents for Key MSCI Low Carbon Indexes
2021 |
Consultation on the Regional Classification of the MSCI Israel Index
Consultation on the Regional Classification of the MSCI Israel Index
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on Potential Changes to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) Structure in 2022
Consultation on Potential Changes to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) Structure in 2022
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Estimated Impact of the Proposed GICS Changes on the MSCI ACWI Index
Implementation of the 2023 GICS Structure Changes in the MSCI Equity Indexes
List of MSCI Equity Custom Indexes impacted by the 2023 GICS structure
Consultation on Potential Enhancement to the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancement to the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to Select ESG Indexes
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to MSCI ESG Screened Indexes
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to MSCI KLD 400 Social, MSCI USA Catholic Values, and MSCI USA ESG Select Indexes
Consultation On The Eligibility Of The MSCI Pakistan Index For The MSCI Frontier Markets 100 And The MSCI Frontier Markets 15% Country Capped Indexes
Simulated MSCI Frontier Markets 100 And The MSCI Frontier Markets 15% Country Capped Indexes
Consultation on the Treatment of Foreign Private Issuers in the MSCI USA Equity Universe
Consultation on the Treatment of Foreign Private Issuers in the MSCI USA Equity Universe
Consultation on Potential Enhancement of the MSCI ESG Enhanced Focus Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancement of the MSCI ESG Enhanced Focus Indexes Methodology
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Pakistan Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Pakistan Index
Consultation on Potential Adjustments to the MSCI Diversified Multiple-Factor Index Methodology
Consultation on Potential Adjustments to the MSCI Diversified Multiple-Factor Index Methodology
Consultation on the Implementation Details of a Switch to a Light Rebalancing Under Conditions of Market Stress
Consultation on the Implementation Details of a Switch to a Light Rebalancing Under Conditions of Market Stress
Market participants may provide feedback through this online survey
Consultation on Introducing Quarterly Comprehensive Index Reviews
Consultation on Introducing Quarterly Comprehensive Index Reviews
Q&A: Quarterly Comprehensive Index Review Implementation Details
Consultation on a Treatment of Potential Index Additions with Extreme Price Increase
Consultation on a Treatment of Potential Index Additions with Extreme Price Increase
Consultation on Potential Enhancement of the MSCI Climate Change Indexes methodology to align with the minimum requirements for EU Climate Transition Benchmarks
Consultation on Potential Enhancement of the MSCI Climate Change Indexes methodology to align with the minimum requirements for EU Climate Transition Benchmarks
2020 |
Treatment of securities impacted by U.S. Executive Order 13959, as amended by Executive Order 14032
Q&A: MSCI's Treatment of securities impacted by U.S. Executive Order 13959, as amended by Executive Order 14032
List of Impacted Standard Indexes – Implementation February 9, 2022
List of Impacted Standard Indexes – Implementation July 26, 2021
List of Impacted Standard Indexes – Implementation March 12, 2021
List of Impacted Standard Indexes – Implementation January 26, 2021
List of Impacted Standard Indexes – Implementation January 8, 2021
List of Impacted Standard Indexes – Implementation January 5, 2021
Consultation on the Potential Replacement Rates for LIBOR and EONIA in the MSCI Indexes
Consultation on the Potential Replacement Rates for LIBOR and EONIA in the MSCI Indexes
List of Impacted Standard Indexes – August 12, 2021
List of Impacted Standard Indexes – July 12, 2021
List of Impacted Standard Indexes – March 26, 2021
Consultation on Proposed Methodology and Transition for the MSCI COLCAP Index
Consultation on Proposed Methodology and Transition for the MSCI COLCAP Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Lebanon Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Lebanon Index
Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Corporate Events Methodology
Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Corporate Events Methodology
Consultation on the Proposed Implementation Schedule for the Reclassification of Kuwait in the MSCI Frontier Markets 100 Index
Consultation on the Proposed Implementation Schedule for the Reclassification of Kuwait in the MSCI Frontier Markets 100 Index
Simulated Impact of the Reclassification of Kuwait on the MSCI Frontier Markets 100 Index
Consultation on Proposed Methodology Enhancement for China P-Chip Classification
Consultation on Proposed Methodology Enhancement for China P-Chip Classification
Consultation on Assessing and Addressing the Market Impact of MSCI Index Reviews
Consultation on Assessing and Addressing the Market Impact of MSCI Index Reviews
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Dividend Masters Indexes
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Dividend Masters Indexes
Potential Foreign ownership Limit (FOL) revision for the MSCI India Indexes
Simulated list for MSCI India Indexes
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Argentina Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Argentina Index
Consultation On The Eligibility Of The MSCI Iceland Index For The MSCI Frontier Markets 100 And The MSCI Frontier Markets 15% Country Capped Indexes
Simulated MSCI Frontier Markets 100 And The MSCI Frontier Markets 15% Country Capped Indexes
Consultation On Potential Enhancements To The MSCI Frontier Markets 100 Index
Consultation On Potential Enhancements To The MSCI Frontier Markets 100 Index
Simulated MSCI Frontier Markets 100 Index
2019 |
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI ESG Indexes
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI ESG Indexes
Consultation on the Replicability and Classification of the MSCI Argentina Indexes
Consultation on the Replicability and Classification of the MSCI Argentina Indexes
Consultation on the Treatment of Indian Long Term Capital Gains Tax in the MSCI Equity Indexes
Consultation on the Treatment of Indian Long Term Capital Gains Tax in the MSCI Equity Indexes
Consultation on Potential Enhancement to the MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN) Index Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancement to the MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN) Index Methodology
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Iceland Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Iceland Index
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Australian Shares and MSCI Australia 200 Index Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Australian Shares and MSCI Australia 200 Index Methodology
Consultation on Transition of MSCI Europe Barra Factor Indexes to use the Barra EULTS Model
Consultation on Transition of MSCI Europe Barra Factor Indexes to use the Barra EULTS Model
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI ex Fossil Fuels and MSCI ex Coal Indexes
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI ex Fossil Fuels and MSCI ex Coal Indexes
2018/2019 Consultation on Further Weight Increase of China A Shares in the MSCI Indexes
Press Release: MSCI Will Increase The Weight Of China A Shares In MSCI Indexes
Conclusion of the Consultation on Further Weight Increase of China A Shares in the MSCI Indexes
Updated Q&A on the Weight Increase of China A Shares in MSCI Indexes (October 2019)
Constituents of the MSCI China A Indexes
Consultation on Further Weight Increase of China A Shares in the MSCI Indexes
Consultation on Specific Topics Related to Investment Limits
Consultation on Specific Topics Related to Investment Limits
Simulated Impact List for the MSCI Thailand Indexes
2018 |
Consultation on the Treatment of Unequal Voting Structures
Press Release on the Results of the Unequal Voting Structures Consultation
Q&A on the Results of the Unequal Voting Structures Consultation
Consultation on the Treatment of Unequal Voting Structures
Discussion Paper: Should Equity Indexes Include Stocks of Companies Having Unequal Voting Rights?
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index Methodology
Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Corporate Events Methodology
Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Corporate Events Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Capped Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Capped Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Dividend Masters Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Dividend Masters Indexes Methodology
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Kuwait Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Kuwait Index
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Market Classification Framework
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Market Classification Framework
Proposed Methodology for Indexes Excluding Tobacco Companies
Proposed Methodology for Indexes Excluding Tobacco Companies
Consultation on the Implementation of the 2018 GICS Changes in the MSCI Equity Indexes
Consultation on the Implementation of the 2018 GICS Changes in the MSCI Equity Indexes
List of Impacted MSCI Equity Indexes due to the 2018 GICS Changes
Consultation on Proposed Market Disruptions Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Proposed Market Disruptions Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI All Market Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI All Market Indexes Methodology
Simulated Impact on Capped Versions of All Market Indexes
Consultation on Treatment of the MSCI EM 50, MSCI China 50, MSCI China Free and MSCI All China Indexes
Consultation on Treatment of Specific Indexes in the Context of China A Partial Inclusion
Consultation on Specific Topics Related to Free Float Calculation
Consultation on Specific Topics Related to Free Float Calculation
Simulated Impact of the Proposal on Free Float
2017 |
Consultation on MSCI Hong Kong-Listed Southbound Indexes
Consultation on MSCI Hong Kong-Listed Southbound Indexes
MSCI ESG Indexes Consultation
MSCI ESG Indexes Consultation
Clarification on the Treatment of Tobacco Companies as part of the Consultation
Consultation on Proposed Corporate Events Methodogical Changes
Consultation on Proposed Corporate Events Methodogical Changes
Consultation on Enhancement to The MSCI Top 50 Dividend Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Enhancement to The MSCI Top 50 Dividend Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Specific Topics Related to China A Reclassification
Update to the Conclusion of the Consultation on Specific Topics Related To China A Reclassification
Conclusion of the Consultation on Specific Topics Related to China A Partial Inclusion
Consultation on Specific Topics Related to China A Reclassification
Consultation on Continuous Listing Standards for US Listed Exchange Traded Products
Consultation on Continuous Listing Standards for US Listed Exchange Traded Products
Consultation On Potential Changes To The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) Structure In 2018
Consultation On Potential Changes To The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) Structure In 2018
Consultation on the Closing Price Policy for Securities Traded on the Moscow Exchange
Consultation on the Closing Price Policy for Securities Traded on the Moscow Exchange
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Saudi Arabia Indexes
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Saudi Arabia Indexes
List of Constituents for the MSCI Saudi Arabia Indexes (as of February 9, 2018)
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Argentina Indexes
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Argentina Indexes
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Nigeria Indexes
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Nigeria Indexes
Consultation on the Treatment of Non-Voting Shares in the MSCI Equity Indexes
Temporary Treatment of Unequal Voting Structures in the MSCI Equity Indexes
Consultation on the Treatment of Non-Voting Shares in the MSCI Equity Indexes
MSCI Hedged Indexes: Margin Requirements for Currency Forwards
MSCI Hedged Indexes: Margin Requirements for Currency Forwards
Consultation on the 2017 Market Classification Proposals
Consultation on China A-Shares Index Inclusion Roadmap
Simulated List of Constituents for the New Proposal of China A-Shares Inclusion
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Argentina Indexes
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Nigeria Indexes
Consultation on Proposals for the MSCI Frontier Markets 100 and Selected MSCI Capped Indexes
Consultation on Proposals for the MSCI Frontier Markets 100 Index
Consultation on the Proposed Treatment of Selected MSCI Capped Indexes
Simulated List of Constituents for the MSCI Frontier Markets 100 Index
Consultation on Potential Changes to the MSCI Global Environment Index Methodology
Consultation on Potential Changes to the MSCI Global Environment Index Methodology
Consultation on the Use of the Global Equity Model (GEM LT) in MSCI Index Construction
Consultation on the Use of the Global Equity Model (GEM LT) in MSCI Index Construction
2016 |
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI All Market Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI All Market Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Changes to MSCI ACWI Sustainable Impact Index Methodology
Consultation on Potential Changes to MSCI ACWI Sustainable Impact Index Methodology
Consultation of China A-Shares Index Inclusion Roadmap
(Updated Post June 14, 2016 Market Classification Announcement)
Consultation of China A-Shares Index Inclusion Roadmap
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Argentina Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Argentina Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Nigeria Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Nigeria Index
Resumption of Consultation on the 2016 Market Classification Proposals
Consultation of China A-Shares Index Inclusion Roadmap
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Pakistan Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Peru Indexes
Consultation on Potential Changes to MSCI ESG Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Potential Changes to MSCI ESG Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Proposed Enhancements to the Corporate Events Methodology in the MSCI Indexes
Consultation on Proposed Enhancements to the Corporate Events Methodology in the MSCI Indexes
Estimated Impact of The Upcoming Revisions to The GICS Structure on The MSCI Indexes
Estimated Impact of The Upcoming Revisions to The GICS Structure on The MSCI Indexes
2015 |
Consultation on the Proposed Treatment of Hong Kong Listed Securities With High Shareholding Concentration Issues
Conclusion of the Consultation on the Proposed Treatment of Hong Kong Listed Securities With High Shareholding Concentration Issues
Consultation on the Proposed Treatment of Hong Kong Listed Securities With High Shareholding Concentration Issues
Consultation on the Proposed Treatment for the MSCI All China Index
Consultation on the Proposed Treatment for the MSCI All China Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Peru Indexes
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Peru Indexes
Consultation on Enhancement to the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Enhancement to the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes Methodology
Consultation on China A-Shares Index Inclusion Roadmap
(Updated Post June 9, 2015 Market Classification Announcement)
Consultation on China A-Shares Index Inclusion Roadmap(Updated Post June 9, 2015)
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Pakistan Index
Consultation on a Market Reclassification Proposal for the MSCI Pakistan Index
Consultation On Potential Changes To The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) Structure In 2016
Consultation On Potential Changes To The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) Structure In 2016
Consultation on potential enhancements to the MSCI Index Calculation Methodology
Consultation on potential enhancements to the MSCI Index Calculation Methodology
Consultations on Enhancements to the MSCI Islamic Index Series
Consultations on Enhancements to the MSCI Islamic Index Series
Consultation on Enhancements to the Coverage of the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes
Document initially published on May 12, 2015, last updated on October 6, 2015:
Simulated Impact on the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes
Documents published on February 11, 2015:
Pro forma list of constituents for the MSCI Provisional Emerging Markets Index
Pro forma list of constituents for the MSCI Provisional World Index
Simulated Impact on the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes
Consultation feedback notes on Real Estate Global Data Standards
Documents available on the IPD Reporting Portal
2014 |
Consultation on the MSCI Corporate Events Methodology
Highly dilutive or large rights issue consultation
Highly dilutive or large rights issues consultation – revised proposal
Securities under prolonged suspension consultation
Canadian Mergers and Acquisitions consultation
Block Sales / Secondary Offerings (outside of the US) consultation
Block Sales / Secondary Offerings (outside of the US) consultation – revised proposal
Selected Corporate Events Topics for discussion |
Consultation on Potential Enhancements to the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes Methodology
Consultation on Enhancements to the Coverage of the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes
Simulated Impact on the MSCI Global Standard Indexes |
Consultation on Enhancements to the Liquidity Requirements for the MSCI Global Investable Market Indexes
Simulated Impact on the MSCI USA and MSCI Canada Indexes
Consultation on Potential Changes to the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) Structure in 2015
MSCI Overseas China Index: Early Inclusion Proposal
Consultation on Potential Application of Frequency of Trading Requirements for the MSCI Frontier Markets IMI
Consultation on Selected Changes to the MSCI Equity Universe |
Consultation on China A-Shares
Consultation on China A-Shares Index Inclusion Roadmap
Q&A of Consultation on China A-Shares Index Inclusion Roadmap
Consultation on Potential Changes to the Methodology for the MSCI Frontier Markets 100 Index |