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Anett Husi

Anett Husi

Analyst, MSCI Research

Anett Husi works as an ESG and climate researcher, focusing on fixed income and collaborating closely with the MSCI Climate Risk Center. She holds master's degrees in data analytics and in environmental studies from Eötvös Loránd University.

Research and Insights

Articles by Anett Husi

    Steering Toward an Aligned Portfolio

    Research Report | Jun 11, 2024 | Kenji Watanabe, Anthony Chan, Kuldeep Yadav, Siyao He, Anett Husi, Tanguy Séné, Sylvain Vanston

    Using MSCI Climate Change Metrics and the Net Zero Investment Framework, we assessed listed companies in developed and emerging markets to see how well they were aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement and global net-zero emissions by 2050.

    Labeled Bonds: Quarterly Market Overview Q4 2023

    Research Report | Feb 21, 2024 | Jakub Malich, Anett Husi

    We assess the latest trends in labeled bonds, from the overall market to specific bond and issuer characteristics, to identify key developments in the rapidly growing and increasingly diverse labeled-bond market. 

    Is Greenium Evaporating in USD Corporate Bonds?

    5 mins read Blog | Feb 9, 2024 | Jakub Malich, Matteo Petrovich, Michael Ridley, Anett Husi

    With the market for sustainable (or labeled) bonds growing rapidly, we assessed their value relative to conventional bonds and found they consistently exhibited a green premium, or “greenium,” though it did diminish over time.

    ​​Labeled Bonds: Quarterly Market Overview Q3 2023​

    Research Report | Dec 12, 2023 | Jakub Malich, Anett Husi

    The labeled-bond market brings together issuers that may wish to raise capital to finance various environmental and social commitments and build rapport with sustainability investors. What were the key developments in this market in the third quarter of 2023? 

    Sustainable-Debt Issuers on a More Credible Decarbonization Path, but Is It Enough?

    7 mins read Blog | Nov 13, 2023 | Jakub Malich, Vishakha Pandey, Anett Husi

    Corporate decarbonization targets without capital commitments can lack credibility, and issuers of labeled corporate bonds led other bond issuers on climate targets. But just how well did these issuers perform in our assessment? 

    Sovereign Bonds and Climate

    Research Report | Oct 18, 2023 | Michael Ridley, Alexander Schober, Anett Husi

    Good emissions data is essential for any detailed sovereign-bond climate analysis. In this paper, we address some key questions around how best to quantify sovereign bonds’ financed emissions and climate-transition risk.

    Labeled Bonds Quarterly Market Overview Q2 2023

    Research Report | Aug 31, 2023 | Jakub Malich, Anett Husi

    We assess the latest trends in labeled bonds, from the overall market to specific bond and issuer characteristics, to identify key developments in the rapidly growing and increasingly diverse labeled-bond market. 

    Labeled Bonds: Quarterly Market Overview Q1 2023

    Research Report | Jul 14, 2023 | Jakub Malich, Anett Husi

    We assess the latest issuance trends and the overall market by multiple bond and issuer characteristics to identify key developments in the rapidly growing and increasingly diverse labeled-bond market. 

    Labeled-Bond Issuance and Cost of Debt

    Research Report | Jul 7, 2023 | Jakub Malich, Anett Husi

    We explore three reasons why issuers typically issue labeled bonds: financing impact projects, financing their own environmental goals and building rapport with sustainability-oriented stakeholders. Have these issuers also enjoyed lower debt costs?