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Untangle the complexity of the climate transition

Clients from across the capital ecosystem use our integrated data, analytical tools, indexes and insights for a clear view of the climate transition. Our Climate and Net-Zero Solutions can help you:

  • Measure the emissions of investments, portfolios and lending books across asset classes

  • Uncover opportunities in the shift to a clean-energy economy

  • Sharpen your view of climate-related risks and analyze future scenarios

  • Set climate targets

  • Scale sustainable finance

  • Create climate-focused investment, financial and insurance products

  • Identify companies in every industry that are truly decarbonizing

  • Keep pace with rapidly evolving regulations

  • Benchmark performance and report on progress

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The MSCI difference

  • We turn climate data into insight

    Our climate solutions harness the depth of our data and the collective insight of our analysts to help you understand how to produce return, quantify risk and adapt your strategy accordingly.

  • Capture what matters to you

    Our solutions are designed to address the most important climate questions. Yours. We help you answer the questions you care about, to unlock the potential of climate finance and investing.

  • A partner and critical connector

    Our position at the intersection of capital markets deepens the data and insights available to clients. Our climate metrics are calibrated with widely adopted disclosure and accounting frameworks and designed to help you keep pace with global standards.

  • Innovation and expertise for navigating a rapidly changing world

    MSCI’s Climate Risk Center brings together some of the best minds in quantitative finance and climate science to build new types of models and analytics for pricing climate risk, allocating capital, and deepening understanding of how the climate transition influences financial markets.

  • A complete picture

    We deliver a synergistic view across asset classes, products and markets, all supported by an AI- and data-rich financial infrastructure.

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Ready to sharpen your view?

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Get a clear view of the climate transition at every stage of your process

Our metrics empower you to…

  • See your complete financed emissions

    MSCI Total Portfolio Footprinting is designed to help you measure and analyze emissions associated with your investments, lending or underwriting across both listed and unlisted equities, fixed income and real assets.

  • Assess climate action being delivered

    MSCI’s Implied Temperature Rise metric supplies a forward-looking view of the warming potential of financial assets based on their current greenhouse gas emissions and projected future decarbonization pathway.

  • Uncover climate transition opportunities

    Our climate data and metrics are designed to help you maximize investment in innovation, scale sustainable finance and turn the risks of the net-zero transition into opportunities.

Our analytics enable you to…

  • Quantify the impact of climate-related risk

    MSCI’s Climate Value-at-Risk (VaR) model quantifies how the physical risks of a changing climate and the transition to a low-carbon economy could affect valuations of financial assets under a range of hypothetical scenarios.

  • Enhance your climate strategy

    Our MSCI’s Portfolio Sustainability Insights combines advanced analytics and comprehensive climate data to help you capture an integrated, enterprise view of climate risk exposure, view progress against TCFD/ISSB regulations, and align with regulatory and disclosure requirements.

  • Analyze the emissions of real assets

    Real estate investors, lenders, developers and brokers use our Real Estate Climate Solutions, which are designed to measure and manage exposure to climate risk, sharpen strategies and benchmark performance.

Our expertise helps you…

  • Benchmark performance

    Our MSCI Climate Indexes are designed to help benchmark performance and create climate-focused investment products. Our equity and fixed-income indexes help clients manage climate-related risk, engage companies on climate change and evaluate the performance of investment strategies.

  • Untangle corporate targets

    Our Climate Target and Commitments Dataset and Target Scorecard are designed to help you disentangle corporate decarbonization pledges, compare listed companies’ climate commitments, inform engagement and get a snapshot of companies’ progress.

  • Report on progress

    Our Sustainability Reporting Services are designed to help you manage evolving regulatory requirements and address your growing reporting needs through a scalable reporting framework.

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