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Cole Martin
Senior Associate, MSCI Research
Cole Martin is the lead ESG research analyst for the food products, beverages and food retail staples industries. Previously, he spent over 10 years as a researcher and forecaster covering food, agribusiness and agricultural commodity prices at Fitch Group and BMI Research. Cole has a master’s degree in international public policy from UCL and a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Western Ontario. He is also a CFA® charterholder.
Research and Insights
Articles by Cole Martin
Sustainable-Debt Dispatch
Research Report | Aug 19, 2024 | Michael Ridley, Jakub Malich, Vishakha Pandey, Anett Husi, Alexander Schober, Meghna Mehta, Matteo Petrovich, Cole Martin, Abdulla ZaidIntegrating sustainability and climate risk and impact into bond and private-debt analysis is becoming an increasingly important aspect of portfolio construction. This paper discusses a range of metrics that could guide investors in making these assessments.
Spirits of Change: Alcohol in a Dry World
Podcast | May 10, 2024 | Michael Disabato, Cole MartinAlcoholic beverage companies are trying to navigate through a changing world, one where tastes are evolving, and resources are getting scarcer. In this episode, delve into the significant challenges and innovative strategies the alcoholic beverage industry is employing to combat this shift in drinking trends.
Children are still in the Cocoa Field
Podcast | Apr 2, 2024 | Michael Disabato, Cole MartinThis week we provide an update to our March 2022 episode titled Children in the Cocoa field that explored the growing problem of child labor in cocoa harvesting. And the attempt by Nestlé to use money and enhanced mapping technology to combat its prevalence. It sounds bleak, but it was a great story about how technology is allowing for better transparency in our world's supply chain.
Companies Reliant on Agricultural Products May Face Lower Policy Risk
2 mins read Quick Take | Dec 8, 2023 | Cole Martin, Ahasan AminFood, beverage and food-retail companies have often been exempted from emissions-reduction schemes, but that may change soon. And if it does, investors might need to assess a new set of risks for these companies, such as carbon tax.
(Bottled) Water, Water Everywhere
Podcast | Nov 10, 2023 | Cole MartinWe’re thirsty, y’all! In a year, we drink 350 billion liters of bottled water, most of it from plastic. But it’s a product with a hefty environmental footprint, and big climate risks. We take a look at what might lie ahead for companies and investors.
The Potential Impact of El Niño on Sovereign Debt
6 mins read Blog | Sep 18, 2023 | Alexander Schober, Cole MartinWith a very strong likelihood of an El Niño event forming by the end of 2023, we take a look at the impact such events have had in the past on the debt-to-GDP ratios of global sovereigns and what this could mean for impact investors.
The Fight Between Food and Forests
Podcast | Aug 4, 2023 | Cole MartinCommodities like palm oil, beef and cocoa are intertwined with deforestation. The EU wants to change this. We talk about the bloc’s latest law and how it’s going to ask food companies to take supply chain due diligence and traceability to a whole new level.
The Shrinking Colorado River
Podcast | Apr 14, 2023 | Siping Guo, Mathew Lee, Cole MartinThe Colorado river is shrinking and the tens of millions of Americans that rely on the water source are having to deal with the possibility of imposed water cuts. The urban sprawls that have peppered the desert are also in competition with the industries that operate in the area and use the water from the Colorado river: agriculture, semiconductors, and energy. In this week’s episode we discuss what happens when companies no longer have access to the water they need to operate.
Podcast | Jan 6, 2023 | Cole Martin, Yoon Young ChungThis week we discuss new advances in gene editing techniques and Meta’s USD 400 million fine.
Medicine, Chocolate and the ESG Data-verse
Podcast | Nov 11, 2022 | Cole Martin, Julia Giguere-MorelloOne well-worn critique of ESG investing is that some companies with a high rating aren’t actually making the world a better place. We break down this conflation of ESG impact with financial risk by looking at the different sides of J&J and Nestle.
High Water Stress Exposure May Exacerbate Grain-Price Volatility
2 mins read Quick Take | Aug 29, 2022 | Cole MartinThis summer’s prolonged hot, dry weather may be a sign of longer-term water stress and grain-price volatility. Food and grocery companies, with high exposure to this issue and low current return on assets, may be under the greatest pressure.
Labor Ignores and La Nina Threatens
Podcast | Aug 5, 2022 | Umar Ashfaq, Cole MartinThe S of ESG has become more useful in understanding company performance in down times. When things are bad, companies that take care of their workers, for example, often perform better than their counterparts. We discuss why this might be by looking at growing job vacancies in some parts of the US economy. Then we discuss what could happen to the food system if the rare “triple-dip” La Nina, an atmospheric and oceanic phenomenon, happens this winter.
Children in the Cocoa Fields
Podcast | Mar 11, 2022 | Cole MartinWe begin this episode with an update on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Western companies have begun an exodus from Russia as sanctions and atrocities mount. Yet, some are deciding to stay. The decision behind why is ultimately one that can be explained by examining their board of directors. We do this, with a focus on one of company specifically: Danone. Then, we discuss the growing problem of child labor in cocoa harvesting. And the attempt by Nestlé to use money and enhanced mapping technology to combat its prevalence. It sounds bleak, but it is a great story about how technology is allowing for better transparency in our world's supply chain.
Labor Strikes and Labor Rights
Podcast | Jan 28, 2022 | Andrew Young, Cole MartinA labor strike ends at Kroger after contract negotiations give the employees a wage increase. But Kroger is supposed to be a decent employer, so what is going on here? Is this all due to the great resignation or renegotiation or restructuring of labor caused by pandemic? Or is there something deeper? We answer all these (floating) questions. Then, we discuss how a new EU proposal to ensure that people working through digital labor platforms can enjoy the labor rights and social benefits they are entitled to is linked to the Kroger strike.
BHP Eschews Oil for Farming
Podcast | Aug 20, 2021 | Kevin Kwok, Cole MartinThe largest mining company in the world, BHP Group, has made three massive moves this week. First, it said it would sell its oil and gas operations to oil and gas company Woodside Petroleum in exchange for shares that it will distribute to its own investors. Second, it approved a 5.7 billion USD investment to build a massive new potash fertilizer mine in Canada called the Jansen potash project. And third, it will collapse it’s dual listing across London and Australia and focus only on its Australia listing. We discuss the first two moves and what they mean for the global fight to reduce carbon.