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Alexander Schober
Senior Associate, MSCI Research
Alexander Schober is part of MSCI’s team focused on ESG and climate research for fixed income, where he specializes in sovereign debt. Prior to MSCI, he was a credit analyst for emerging-market sovereign bonds for Nationwide Investments. Alex also conducted risk analysis, with a focus on Latin America, for FrontierView. He holds a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in international economics and a bachelor’s from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Research and Insights
Articles by Alexander Schober
Sovereign Sustainability: How Duration Impacts Returns in Labeled Sovereign Bonds
2 mins read Quick Take | Sep 23, 2024 | Alexander Schober, Levon KameryanSustainable investing for sovereign bonds may come with a caveat: Green bonds tend to have longer duration profiles than non-labeled equivalents. What does it mean for fixed-income investors with a climate mandate?
A Silver Lining for Climate-Tilted Bond Portfolios?
5 mins read Blog | Sep 11, 2024 | Alexander Schober, Juan SampieriSome sovereign-bond investors seeking to support climate mitigation might be interested in the idea of increasing their exposure to issuers with lower carbon emissions. Would this have been a good approach?
Sustainable-Debt Dispatch
Research Report | Aug 19, 2024 | Michael Ridley, Jakub Malich, Vishakha Pandey, Anett Husi, Alexander Schober, Meghna Mehta, Matteo Petrovich, Cole Martin, Abdulla ZaidIntegrating sustainability and climate risk and impact into bond and private-debt analysis is becoming an increasingly important aspect of portfolio construction. This paper discusses a range of metrics that could guide investors in making these assessments.
Sovereign Bonds and Climate
Research Report | Oct 18, 2023 | Michael Ridley, Alexander Schober, Anett HusiGood emissions data is essential for any detailed sovereign-bond climate analysis. In this paper, we address some key questions around how best to quantify sovereign bonds’ financed emissions and climate-transition risk.
The Potential Impact of El Niño on Sovereign Debt
6 mins read Blog | Sep 18, 2023 | Alexander Schober, Cole MartinWith a very strong likelihood of an El Niño event forming by the end of 2023, we take a look at the impact such events have had in the past on the debt-to-GDP ratios of global sovereigns and what this could mean for impact investors.
Measuring Sovereign Bonds’ Climate Risks and Opportunities
5 mins read Blog | Jun 29, 2023 | Alexander SchoberQuantifying sovereign bonds’ physical and transition risks may help investors determine the climate resiliency of their portfolios. MSCI Climate Change and Natural Hazards Risk Factor Score may help guide the analysis of these complex risks.