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Julia Giguere-Morello
Executive Director, MSCI Research
Julia Giguere-Morello has authored numerous insights for asset owners and asset managers seeking to incorporate sustainability into their investment process. Prior to joining MSCI, she coordinated the World Medicines Situation report in the Essential Medicines and Pharmaceutical Policies division at the World Health Organization. Julia holds a Master of Public Health with a concentration in epidemiology from Boston University School of Public Health and a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry from Skidmore College.
Research and Insights
Articles by Julia Giguere-Morello
How Asset Owners Are Redefining the Total Portfolio Approach
8 mins read Blog | Nov 12, 2024 | Henry Fernandez, Ashley Lester, Rick Bookstaber, Julia Giguere-MorelloAttendees at the MSCI Institutional Investor Forums in the U.S. and Canada agreed that the investment megatrends they see underscore the need to centralize risk in investment decision-making, making a total portfolio approach increasingly attractive.
Medicine, Chocolate and the ESG Data-verse
Podcast | Nov 11, 2022 | Cole Martin, Julia Giguere-MorelloOne well-worn critique of ESG investing is that some companies with a high rating aren’t actually making the world a better place. We break down this conflation of ESG impact with financial risk by looking at the different sides of J&J and Nestle.