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Seokhee Moon
Senior Associate, MSCI Research
Seokhee Moon is a senior data scientist and climate-risk researcher with the MSCI Climate Risk Center, where she works on the MSCI Implied Temperature Rise model. Prior to MSCI, Seokhee worked as a model validator at Deutsche Bank, focusing on models for interest-rate risk and liquidity risk. Seokhee holds a master’s degree in statistics from the Humboldt University Berlin.
Research and Insights
Articles by Seokhee Moon
Different, Not Diverging: Aligning Temperature-Alignment Metrics
6 mins read Blog | Jun 26, 2024 | Seokhee Moon, Tanguy SénéInvestors with climate objectives may rely on temperature-alignment metrics to set goals and track progress. We compare the MSCI Implied Temperature Rise with the metrics from the Science Based Targets initiative to assess their correlation.