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Rohit Gupta
Vice President, MSCI Research
Rohit Gupta is a member of the MSCI research team specializing in global markets, seeking the key quantitative insights that drive investment outcomes across a diverse range of asset classes including equities, fixed income and listed futures and options. Previously, he was a client portfolio manager in the quantitative-investment-strategies team at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Rohit holds an MBA from Narsee Monjee Institute of Management (NMIMS), Mumbai, and is a CFA® charterholder.
Research and Insights
Articles by Rohit Gupta
Four Key Metrics Behind Long-Term EM Stock Growth
2 mins read Quick Take | Feb 27, 2025 | Anil Rao, Rohit GuptaWhy have some emerging-market equities bucked the underperformance trend versus the developed markets following the global financial crisis in 2008? We identified the shared fundamental attributes of these “long-term compounder” stocks.
Long-Term Investing in Emerging Markets
Research Report | Feb 6, 2025 | Anil Rao, Rohit GuptaSome emerging-market (EM) stocks have bucked the trend of underperforming headline EM indexes following the 2008 global financial crisis. We used nearly 30 years of index- and stock-level returns to identify their shared fundamental attributes.
Unpacking Active ETFs
Research Report | Jan 22, 2025 | Ashish Lodh, Rohit GuptaWe propose a risk-based framework to aid asset allocators, including wealth managers, in better understanding active ETFs as an investment category and to help discern between genuinely active strategies and enhanced indexing.
India’s Changed — and Changing — Equity Markets
5 mins read Blog | Jul 5, 2024 | Patrick Warren, Rohit Gupta, Anil RaoWe segmented India’s public equity market to study patterns in its factor, thematic and industry exposures. And to assess how the current market profile could change, we also analyzed private firms that may be in the pipeline to become public.
Emerging Markets Boost Global Equity Supply
2 mins read Quick Take | May 24, 2024 | Rohit Gupta, Stuart DooleThe global number of publicly traded firms has grown steadily for more than two decades, but not consistently across regions. The variations in supply patterns have translated to differences in buyback yields and EPS growth rates.
Deglobalization and Megatrends: Time to Check Your Diversification?
2 mins read Quick Take | Apr 15, 2024 | Rohit GuptaA global equity portfolio may not be as broadly diversified as it appears. Understanding how deglobalization and megatrends are impacting regions, industries and asset classes can help in designing a portfolio with the desired diversification profile.
Mapping the Revenue Sources of India’s Equity Market
2 mins read Quick Take | Feb 15, 2024 | Rohit GuptaCountries, sectors and industries that combine higher international revenues and a manufacturing orientation tend to be more export-driven and are likely beneficiaries of the trend toward deglobalization. What’s the case in India’s equity market?
Remapping the Investment World
Podcast | Feb 1, 2024 | Manish Shakdwipee, Rohit GuptaFor global investors, the idea of individual country or market allocations isn’t new. But in today’s world, with a dynamic geopolitical map, the rewiring of supply chains and a greater focus on sustainable investing, it may be time for a new approach.
Reimagining Country Investing
Research Report | Jan 29, 2024 | Rohit Gupta, Anil Rao, Manish Shakdwipee, Hitendra D VarsaniWe introduce an integrated framework to investing in individual country and regional markets, analyzing macroeconomic risks and new growth opportunities as well as the role of sustainable investments in a globally diversified portfolio.
Sector Insights from India’s Equity Market
6 mins read Blog | Jan 23, 2024 | Dinank Chitkara, Rohit GuptaA sector-based perspective of the Indian equity market, one of the emerging beneficiaries of global power shifts, indicates the valuation premiums of most sectors are high in historical terms and relative to sectors in other emerging markets.
Using Derivatives to Scale China and Emerging Markets ex China
6 mins read Blog | Nov 9, 2023 | Rohit Gupta, Hitendra D VarsaniChina’s large share of emerging-market (EM) equities and its falling correlations with EM are leading some investors to allocate separately to the two universes. A tactical overlay of futures and swaps could be used to adjust regional exposures.
The Futures of Singapore’s Equity Market
7 mins read Blog | Oct 18, 2023 | Rohit GuptaWe highlight key characteristics of the Singapore equity market and analyze the impact of foreign-listed securities in the MSCI Singapore Free Index. Investors may consider managing Singapore equity exposure using futures linked to the index.
India's Leap into Lunar Exploration and the Global Economy
2 mins read Quick Take | Aug 23, 2023 | Rohit Gupta, Raman SubramanianBeyond the symbolic nature of being the first to land on the moon's south pole, this feat underscores India's shift towards technology-driven innovation and could mark an expanding global role and increasing prominence in global equity portfolios.
Insights from Past Concentrated Rallies and Thematic Opportunities
5 mins read Blog | Aug 16, 2023 | Dinank Chitkara, Rohit GuptaThe rally in the first half of 2023 shared some similarities, and had notable differences, with past concentrated rallies. In addition to AI, structural megatrends, such as the blockchain economy and robotics, helped drive the rally.
'Magnificent Seven' Drove the Equity-Market Rally
2 mins read Quick Take | Jun 28, 2023 | Dinank Chitkara, Rohit GuptaGlobal equities, as measured by the MSCI ACWI Index, roared back through May of 2023. A closer look, however, revealed that just a handful of stocks accounted for more than 70% of the total return. Which stocks punched above their weight?
Long Story Cut Short in Regional Equity Futures Positioning
5 mins read Blog | Apr 12, 2023 | Rohit Gupta, Hitendra D VarsaniThe recent banking crisis startled the credit markets while the broad equity market remained resilient. We analyze net long-short positions as investors adjusted their index futures exposures to adapt to changing market dynamics.
The Futures of Emerging Markets in Asia
2 mins read Quick Take | Feb 8, 2023 | Rohit Gupta, Hitendra D VarsaniThere are varying risks and opportunities for emerging markets (EM) equities in Asia. We highlight EM Asia futures as a potential path for asset allocation, tactical adjustments and risk-management purposes.
The Futures of Emerging Markets Decoupled
2 mins read Quick Take | Jan 25, 2023 | Hitendra D Varsani, Rohit GuptaInvestors in emerging markets begin the year with historically low valuations and softened U.S. dollar strength. With a wide decoupling within these markets, we assess the consideration of multi-country, multi-currency or single-country futures.
India Equity Futures for the World
6 mins read Blog | Jan 17, 2023 | Rohit Gupta, Dinank ChitkaraIndia is the world’s fifth largest economy and one of the fastest-growing major markets. We believe that futures linked to the MSCI India Index could help capture a deeper opportunity set and manage Indian equity exposure.
How Have Hedge Funds Navigated the Recent Market Turmoil?
2 mins read Quick Take | Jul 7, 2022 | Rohit Gupta, Dinank ChitkaraWith the MSCI World Index down 20.3% in the first half of 2022, equity hedge funds have not been immune to recent market volatility. We evaluate how equity hedge-fund exposure has changed in terms of sector and style factors.
Carbon Markets: An Emerging Derivatives Class
6 mins read Blog | Jun 28, 2022 | Hitendra D Varsani, Rohit GuptaCarbon markets can play a significant role in managing carbon risk within equity portfolios to hedge against price risks. Our research focuses on applications, carbon-risk management and correlations to other assets classes.
Introducing the Carbon Market Age
6 mins read Blog | Jun 8, 2022 | Hitendra D Varsani, Rohit GuptaThe carbon market can play a significant role in the decarbonization of the global economy by putting a price on carbon and giving polluters an incentive to reduce their emissions.
Options for Managing Risk
1 mins read Quick Take | Apr 12, 2022 | Rohit Gupta, Hitendra D VarsaniWe examine liquidity-related statistics for options linked to MSCI indexes and listed on several global and local exchanges
Putting Futures to Work
1 mins read Quick Take | Mar 30, 2022 | Rohit Gupta, Hitendra D VarsaniFutures linked to MSCI indexes are increasingly being used as a tool to manage market exposure and maintain exposures to target investment benchmarks.
Risk Control with Maximum Exposure
Research Report | Mar 7, 2022 | Hitendra D Varsani, Rohit GuptaClassic risk-control uses cash and/or U.S. Treasurys with a growth asset, typically referenced to an equity index, which has stabilized volatility, but not always allowed strategies to reach their full potential. We present new approaches for doing so.
Active-Management Opportunities in a Disperse Market
8 mins read Blog | Jul 13, 2021 | Hitendra D Varsani, Rohit GuptaDisperse markets have historically provided opportunities for active managers to outperform their respective benchmarks. We showed that, based on historical trends, CSV helped shed light on identifying where the dispersion was greatest.