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Olga Emelianova
Executive Director, MSCI Research
Olga leads MSCI’s research on sustainable investing. She has more than 15 years of experience in ESG research, corporate social responsibility and responsible investing. Previously, she was a director of project services at the International Center for Corporate Accountability. Olga holds an MBA from Zicklin School of Business, City University of New York, and a bachelor’s degree from the State Academy of Slavic Culture in Moscow.
Research and Insights
Articles by Olga Emelianova
What Diversity Fatigue? More Women Filled More Firms’ Senior Roles
Podcast | Mar 9, 2023 | Olga EmelianovaA growing number of companies around the world have reached the “tipping point” of 30% women on boards, though variations exist across sectors and around the world. We explore new research around the benefits of having more women in senior positions for society, companies and investors.
China’s Education Company Crackdown and Harassment at Activision
Podcast | Jul 30, 2021 | Olga Emelianova, Meggin Thwing Eastman, Xiaoshu Wang, Miranda CarrIn a sweeping overhaul of its private education sector, China issued new regulations that requires the USD 100 billion industry to register as a non-profit. The move threatened to wipe out billions of dollars of market capital for any publicly listed Chinese education company and ignited a debate around profits, education, and private capital. We discuss what the move means from a local standpoint, a market standpoint, and from an impact investor standpoint. Then we discuss the ongoing sexual harassment controversy at Activision Blizzard that led to thousands of employees walking out of their jobs in protest this week.
Assessing Company Alignment with UN SDGs
6 mins read Blog | Sep 14, 2020 | Olga EmelianovaFive years ago, the United Nations adopted 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an effort to end extreme poverty, reduce inequity and protect the planet by 2030. Using a new tool, we examine whether companies are walking the walk.
Can China A Share Issuers Adapt to ESG Realities?
Blog | Jun 13, 2018 | Olga EmelianovaNow that China A shares have partially entered some mainstream MSCI indexes, institutional investors and other stakeholders are raising questions about Chinese constituents’ ESG track records and potential risks from these new exposures in their portfolios.