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Miranda Carr
Executive Director, MSCI Research
Miranda joined MSCI in January 2021 as Head of APAC Thematic ESG Research to focus on key ESG issues and ESG integration frameworks. Miranda was previously Senior ESG Analyst at Haitong International, one of China’s largest securities companies, and prior to this was Head of Research for North Square Blue Oak, an independent investment research company focused on Chinese government policy. She obtained a Master’s degree from Bayes Business School, focussed on Socially Responsible Investment.
Research and Insights
Articles by Miranda Carr
How ESG Risk Management Can Impact Security Risk
Research Report | Apr 13, 2023 | Miranda Carr, Yuliya Plyakha Ferenc, Blessy Varghese, Zoltán Nagy, Guido GieseFollowing extensive research showing an improvement in risk-adjusted returns for companies with higher ESG ratings, we look beyond what a company’s ESG issues were to how that company dealt with them — and the impact that had on stock-specific risk.
Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act and the US Supreme Court
Podcast | Jul 1, 2022 | Miranda Carr, Mathew LeeThe US Customs and Border Protection agency released operational guidance for importing companies on how to comply with the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA), which was signed into law on December 23, 2021. The big ask for companies was for more supply chain transparency. We discussed what UFLPA means for the world’s economy and why supply chain transparency is still so difficult. Then we discussed the most recent ruling US Supreme Court ruling that limited the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.
The Long and Shorting of ESG
Podcast | Apr 29, 2022 | Rumi Mahmood, Miranda CarrIn its infancy, ESG was all about long-only. But now short sellers are elbowing their way into the picture and prompting some intriguing questions. While regulators play catch-up, we spoke with key investors to figure out how best to report ESG impacts and ESG risks in long-short portfolios.
Resignations and a Looming Crisis in China
Podcast | Apr 22, 2022 | Miranda CarrA spate of auditor resignations for real estate developers in China have prompted whispers of economic contagion. The real estate market in China is really important and if it were to collapse, then the world might go with it. We discuss what ESG has to do with the looming, potential crisis, and how the problems we are already seeing in the market could be fixed with better company governance processes.
ESG Reporting in Long-Short Portfolios
Research Report | Apr 19, 2022 | Rumi Mahmood, Yuliya Plyakha Ferenc, Miranda Carr, Yu IshiharaWe draw on our consultation with owners and managers of long-short portfolios to recommend best practices for fund-level ESG and climate reporting.
ESG Trendsetters in APAC
Research Report | Apr 4, 2022 | Miranda CarrWe identify APAC’s ESG “trendsetters,” and the companies that may be at risk of lagging behind, for climate, biodiversity and supply-chain risks.
Forget Naughty or Nice – Santa’s Workshops are Flooding
Podcast | Jan 21, 2022 | Miranda CarrThis week we take a look at how rising sea levels are threatening a highly concentrated cluster of China’s manufacturing regions. And it’s not just a risk for local producers – some of the word’s largest companies trace their supply chains right into the middle of these risky hotspots. And then we revisit the question of carbon offsets and whether they can do more than soothe a strained conscience.
Will Rising Sea Levels Eventually Sink Christmas?
5 mins read Blog | Dec 15, 2021 | Patric Kellermann, Miranda CarrIt’s not just Santa’s North Pole headquarters that are at risk from global warming. Around 75% of the world’s toys are made in China — most coming from the country’s coastal provinces which face an increasing threat of flooding as global temperatures rise.
China’s Education Company Crackdown and Harassment at Activision
Podcast | Jul 30, 2021 | Olga Emelianova, Meggin Thwing Eastman, Xiaoshu Wang, Miranda CarrIn a sweeping overhaul of its private education sector, China issued new regulations that requires the USD 100 billion industry to register as a non-profit. The move threatened to wipe out billions of dollars of market capital for any publicly listed Chinese education company and ignited a debate around profits, education, and private capital. We discuss what the move means from a local standpoint, a market standpoint, and from an impact investor standpoint. Then we discuss the ongoing sexual harassment controversy at Activision Blizzard that led to thousands of employees walking out of their jobs in protest this week.
Are APAC’s High-ESG-Risk Stocks Cleaning Up Their Act?
5 mins read Blog | Jul 20, 2021 | Miranda CarrThe APAC region’s ESG performance has suffered from a combination of low ESG adoption and awareness and limited ESG regulation and reporting. But marked improvements are surfacing in environmental and social performance in certain sectors
APAC is Better at ESG and EVs Are not Enough
Podcast | Jun 25, 2021 | Miranda Carr, Yu IshiharaThe APAC region is one of the richest in terms of ESG opportunities, such as renewables and electric vehicles, yet also one of the highest risk areas, with pollution and supply chain risk in abundance. The good news? Some of the highest risk markets in APAC have seen some of the biggest improvement in ESG scores in the past three years. We talk about what this means. And then we discuss what would happen to global emissions if everyone in the world drove electric vehicles for a year.