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Samantha Sue Ping
Vice President, ESG Research
Samantha leads the ESG Issuer Communications efforts at MSCI ESG Research and is responsible for overseeing all interactions with MSCI ESG Research-rated issuers. Prior to this, she was the Canadian market lead at ISS Corporate Solutions, assisting companies develop their governance and sustainability strategies. Before this Samantha spent several years as an ESG analyst with MSCI. She holds a master’s degree in Political Science from Wilfrid Laurier University.
Research and Insights
Articles by Samantha Sue Ping
Corporate ESG Disclosure: A Health & Safety Case Study
5 mins read Blog | Sep 24, 2020 | Gaurav Trivedi, Samantha Sue Ping, Ping SueHow good a job are corporations doing in disclosing ESG policies and data to investors and other stakeholders? We took an in-depth look at reporting of health & safety disclosures. Our findings confirmed some common assumptions and upended others.