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Ben St. Laurent
Associate, MSCI Carbon Markets
Ben St. Laurent is a policy researcher with MSCI Carbon Markets, with a focus on carbon-market regulations and net-zero guidance for financial institutions. Ben joined MSCI from Trove Research and has previous experience working on climate and public policy at NGOs and in journalism. He holds an LLM in international economic law and development from Birkbeck, University of London, an MSc in environmental sustainability from Keele University and a BA in political science from Boston University.
Research and Insights
Articles by Ben St. Laurent
Transparency Is King When Using Carbon Credits
8 mins read Blog | May 28, 2024 | Ben St. Laurent, Jamie Saunders, Laura BuenaventuraAlthough transparency around the use of carbon credits is improving, variations in rules across jurisdictions can add complexity and an extra reporting burden for companies, and make it harder for investors to report on credit use across their portfolio.