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Anant Bhatnagar
Executive Director, MSCI Research
Anant Bhatnagar specializes in securitized-product research. Previously, he was a director at Barclays in its quant-analytics division. Anant has also worked in securitized-product research and analytics at Lehman Brothers. He holds a master’s degree from Arizona State and bachelor’s degree from Gujarat University in mechanical engineering.
Research and Insights
Articles by Anant Bhatnagar
Do Agency CMOs’ Financed Emissions Have Duration?
4 mins read Blog | Jul 20, 2023 | Joy Zhang, Yihai Yu, Anant BhatnagarThe market for collateralized mortgage obligations backed by agency residential mortgage-backed securities is a major source of financing for U.S. homeownership. But what is this market’s total emissions footprint? We use our model to calculate it.
Managing Against MBS Indexes: A Duration Perspective
5 mins read Blog | Jul 30, 2021 | Yihai Yu, Anant BhatnagarMortgage-backed securities constitute a significant portion of fixed-income indexes. Managing MBS portfolios against these indexes depends heavily on an understanding of the dynamics of MBS duration, especially in volatile markets.