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Vicente Albíter
Senior Associate, MSCI Research
Vicente Albíter is a quantitative researcher in MSCI’s factor-research team. He focuses on employing natural-language processing (NLP) and large-language models to extract financial signals from unstructured data and enhance interpretability of MSCI's factor-model data Previously, as a data scientist, Vicente researched various applications of Bayesian and geospatial machine-learning models in manufacturing, retail and public health. He holds an M.S. in computer science from IIMAS-UNAM and a B.S. in mechatronics engineering from UNAM.
Research and Insights
Articles by Vicente Albíter
AI Portfolio Insights and the Future of Risk Management
Research Report | Jun 10, 2024 | Andrew DeMond, Manuel Rueda, Greg Recine, Samuel López, Vicente Albíter, Will Baker, Zach TokuraThe role of risk management for institutional investors is evolving. Risk leaders are looking to broaden their teams’ focus beyond traditional risk measurement and increase their influence with investment teams. How could AI help?