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Tristan Loffler
Executive Director, MSCI Carbon Markets
Tristan leads MSCI Carbon Markets’ carbon projects and integrity team in developing integrity methodologies to assess 5,000+ registered carbon-credit projects. He was previously an associate partner at OC&C strategy consultants, where he led their internal climate technology initiative. Whilst at OC&C, Tristain also worked on a voluntary basis as a commercial advisor to Mossy Earth, a charity focused on nature restoration. He has also worked in several FinTech businesses. Tristan has an MBA from Colombia Business School and a first-class degree in economics from the University of Warwick.
Research and Insights
Articles by Tristan Loffler
State of Integrity in the Global Carbon-Credit Market
Research Report | Sep 19, 2024 | Guy Turner, Tristan Loffler, Maudie CooperThis report describes the methodology of the MSCI Carbon Project Ratings and finds that of the more than 4,000 projects assessed, fewer than 10% are rated in the AAA-A band. There are, however, some encouraging signs of a trend to increasing integrity.
Renewable-Energy Carbon Credits Losing Steam
8 mins read Blog | Aug 7, 2024 | Tristan Loffler, Guy Turner, Jamie Saunders, Lucien GeorgesonThe ICVCM’s recent decision to reject renewable-energy projects from its high-integrity label reinforces MSCI’s own integrity analysis of this project type. What could this mean for the future of renewable energy in the carbon-credit market?
The First Core Carbon Principles-Qualifying Projects — the VCM Steps on the Gas
6 mins read Blog | Jun 6, 2024 | Tristan Loffler, Konstantina Stamouli, Jamie SaundersThe Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market has announced the first set of projects that qualify for its Core Carbon Principles, marking a major milestone for the voluntary carbon market and one that could pave the way for a bifurcated market.