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Rishikesh Patkar
Vice President, MSCI Research
Rishikesh Patkar is a senior member of the index-management research team, responsible for managing methodologies for real-asset indexes. He is also a lead author of MSCI’s annual Global Real Estate Market Size research report. Prior to joining MSCI, he was a portfolio-oversight manager at a U.S.- based REIT and previously worked for Citibank and PricewaterhouseCoopers. He holds a B.E. in computer science from VJTI Mumbai and an MBA in finance from IIM Calcutta.
Research and Insights
Articles by Rishikesh Patkar
Real Estate Market Size
Research Report | Jul 29, 2024 | Razia Neshat, Rishikesh PatkarOur analysis of the professionally managed real-estate universe provides a deeper understanding of the relative size of property markets across the world. For the first time, this annual report also details the property-type composition of the market.