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Nathan Faigle
Associate, MSCI Research
Nathan Faigle is an Associate in MSCI’s ESG Research Climate Risk Center. His main focus is research on transition risks and opportunities related to climate change. Nathan holds a Master of Science degree in Development Economics and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics both from the University of Clermont Auvergne.
Research and Insights
Articles by Nathan Faigle
Stress Testing Portfolios for Climate-Change Risk
5 mins read Blog | Oct 7, 2021 | Nathan Faigle, Simone Ruiz-VergoteHow quickly companies implement net-zero pledges can affect the value of investments. Stress testing can be used to test how the valuation of a portfolio could change under different climate transition speeds or scenarios chosen by the investor.
Will coronavirus reduce emissions long term?
Blog | Apr 3, 2020 | Oliver Marchand, Nathan FaigleHas COVID-19 affected carbon emissions? Using satellite imagery from NASA and the European Space Agency, we examined the empirical data so far to understand the potential impact, and if there may be a decline in global greenhouse-gas emissions in 2020.