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Morgan Ellis
Vice President, MSCI Research
Morgan Ellis leads MSCI’s ESG research on companies in real estate, construction materials and building products, overseeing methodology on ESG-related risks and opportunities. He also helps clients incorporate ESG data into their investment processes and worked to improve MSCI’s sustainable-impact investment model, which assesses company alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Morgan has written reports on sustainable-impact investing, climate-change adaptation and transition risks, carbon-related regulatory scenarios and modern slavery. He previously worked as a sustainability consultant, assessing building design and energy use.
Research and Insights
Articles by Morgan Ellis
Climatepalooza Pt. 1
Podcast | Sep 24, 2021 | Morgan Ellis, Antonios Panagiotopoulos, Mathew Lee, Elchin MammadovIt is climate week this week in New York city. So, we decided to throw a climatepalooza for you all by examining the climate plans of three companies in the most the most pollutive industries. In this episode, we give you a roadmap for the climate plans that have been coming out this week and tell you what to pay attention to as you sort through a company’s emissions reduction plan.
Modern Slavery: The Unseen Risks
4 mins read Blog | Apr 26, 2021 | Morgan EllisModern slavery occurs all over the world and can impact virtually all industries. Meanwhile, regulations requiring more detailed reporting on potential supply-chain exposure is increasing. How can investors identify portfolio holdings most at risk?
Unseen Laborers: Addressing Modern Slavery in 2021
Research Report | Apr 7, 2021 | Morgan EllisModern slavery remains entrenched in supply chains, even as regulatory and social pressure on companies to find, identify and eliminate the practice increases.
Impact Down Under
Research Report | Feb 10, 2017 | Morgan EllisKEY TAKEAWAYS Australian constituents of the MSCI World Index derived 4.9% of their revenue from involvement in UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related activities, compared to the MSCI World Index’s 6.2%, as of October 2016, with Green Building, Major Disease Treatments and Nutrition being the main areas of involvement. CSL and Mirvac are standout examples of sustainable impact involvement in Australia. CSL’s involvement in Major Disease Treatment came through its Hemophilia and...
Property Investment and Climate Change Adaptation in Australia
Research Report | Nov 16, 2015 | Morgan EllisKEY FINDINGS By mapping meteorological data of temperature zones against office portfolios of Australian REITs and REMDs, we found that as of November 2015 28% of their portfolios fall in zones where temperatures, and associated cooling costs, are relatively high and are likely to rise further as a result of climate change. Similar building performance in terms of energy efficiency between cooler and hotter zones, suggests that the real estate market in Australia may not have fully...