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Matthias Kemter
Senior Associate, MSCI Research
Matthias Kemter is a senior climate-risk researcher at the MSCI Climate Risk Center, specializing in the development of physical hazard and vulnerability models for different asset classes including real estate. Previously, Matthias worked at the German Research Center for Geosciences and studied spatial and temporal trends in river flood occurrence as well as the complex interactions within natural hazard cascades. He holds a doctorate in natural hazard research and a master's degree in Geology from the University of Potsdam.
Research and Insights
Articles by Matthias Kemter
Murky Waters: Climate Signals and Uncertainty in Flood Risk
2 mins read Quick Take | Sep 25, 2024 | Matthias KemterUsing statistics based on past flood events to estimate the likelihood of future flooding is increasingly outdated. Forward-looking climate-scenario analysis to accurately estimate current and future flood risk is becoming key.
Asset Risks in a Time of Flood
Podcast | Sep 20, 2024 | Matthias KemterFlooding is one the costliest of all natural hazards and climate change is raising the stakes. In this episode, we discuss the need for precise asset locations and forward-looking climate models to figure out your risk exposure.
Location, Location, Location: The Role of Elevation in Flood Models
2 mins read Quick Take | Sep 17, 2024 | Katie Towey, Matthias KemterTo understand the financial risks from flooding, knowing an asset’s location is important, but so too is its elevation. Using the MSCI GeoSpatial Asset Intelligence dataset we explore the impact of getting it wrong.
Navigating the Financial Risks of Flooding
5 mins read Blog | Sep 4, 2024 | Matthias Kemter, Rob BarnettAssessing the widespread exposure and varying characteristics of coastal, fluvial and pluvial flooding is imperative for financial institutions to understand and manage the potential financial impacts of different flood types.