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Leslie Swynghedauw
Executive Director, MSCI Research
Leslie Swynghedauw leads MSCI’s EMEA ESG sector and thematic research team. She previously led the team focused on the consumer-goods sector. Leslie has more than 10 years of experience in ESG performance measurement and developing ESG methodologies across various sectors and asset classes. Her areas of expertise are biodiversity, the circular economy and human rights. Before joining MSCI, Leslie worked for EIRIS, a U.K.-based ESG research provider, and Amundi. She holds a master’s degree in development and risk management from Sciences Po Bordeaux.
Research and Insights
Articles by Leslie Swynghedauw
Human-Rights Due Diligence: Companies’ Preparedness for the EU’s CSDDD
5 mins read Blog | Oct 31, 2023 | Leslie Swynghedauw, Aura Toader, Gabriela de la SernaThe EU’s proposed CSDDD could substantially up the stakes in human-rights law for companies and investors. Our research found that many of those in scope for CSDDD fell short on baseline practices to prevent human rights abuses.
The EU Wants Companies To Care More About Human Rights
Podcast | Jul 7, 2023 | Leslie Swynghedauw, Aura ToaderThe EU is ironing out the final details of its Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. We look at what it could mean for how companies identify, mitigate and report on their impacts on human rights. It’s a pioneering step that not only stands to affect European companies, but global ones that earn revenue in the EU market.
Deforestation and Coal Death at COP26
Podcast | Nov 5, 2021 | Leslie Swynghedauw, Elchin MammadovWe talk about two of the most consequential agreements made at COP26 this week. The first is the deforestation pledge signed by around 100 world leaders. And the second is an agreement by 46 countries to halt the growth of coal in our energy sector. Each is a step among many toward a more sustainable future, but each, as with many agreements, has its pitfalls.
Biodiversity Comes to Kunming and Taiwan’s Semiconductors are Thirsty
Podcast | Oct 15, 2021 | Leslie Swynghedauw, Siping GuoAs international delegates thrash out new targets to save biodiversity, the food industry could quickly become a pariah. And for Taiwan’s all-important semi-conductor manufacturers, water shortages are raising uncomfortable questions.
Clearing the Smoke Around Cannabis
Research Report | Jul 22, 2019 | Leslie SwynghedauwExposure to companies with ties to the cannabis industry raises challenges for investors. Some have sought to keep their portfolios cannabis-free while others have focused on long-term risks and opportunities. How can investors approach this challenge?