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Dana Sasarean
Vice President, ESG Research
Dana Sasarean focuses on climate change. Previously, she managed the extractives and utilities research team at Sustainalytics. Before that, she led the energy sector at RiskMetrics and later at MSCI. She started her career in ESG analysis at Innovest Strategic Value Advisors. Dana holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and banking from the West University and a master’s degree in environmental studies from the York University.
Research and Insights
Articles by Dana Sasarean
Resilient carbon-transition portfolios: a road map
Blog | Jun 19, 2019 | Dana SasareanIs your portfolio ready for the transition to a low-carbon economy? Which companies, industries and sectors are positioned to benefit? Which ones entail greater risks? The answers are a lot more complicated than alternative energy is in and coal is out.
Shale Gas and Hydraulic Fracturing in the US: Opportunity or Underestimated Risk?
Research Report | Oct 20, 2011 | Samuel Block, Dana SasareanShale gas presents a huge new potential investment opportunity and could possibly transform the US energy market. However, financial returns from shale gas face pressure due to emerging environmental liabilities, community opposition that limits access to resources, recoverable reserves uncertainties, and natural gas price volatility.Based on MSCI ESG Research’s assessment of companies’ performance on environmental issues, we believe that companies with poor historical performance...