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Cyril Pecoraro
Senior Associate, MSCI Research
Cyril Pecoraro is a senior data scientist at the MSCI Climate Risk Center. He is responsible for building models to measure climate-related risks in real estate. Prior to MSCI, Cyril was an applied research scientist at CRIM, an applied-AI research center. He holds a bachelor’s degree from EPFL Lausanne in electrical and electronics engineering and a master’s from EPFL Lausanne with a specialization in technology management, data science and AI.
Research and Insights
Articles by Cyril Pecoraro
Carbon-Emissions Data to Inform the MBS Market
5 mins read Blog | Mar 8, 2023 | Michael Ridley, Joy Zhang, Cyril PecoraroOur state-level analysis of carbon emissions for U.S. residential properties indicates strong regional differences in emissions and their drivers. Such data could improve understanding of emissions from holdings in mortgage-backed securities and property loans.