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Boris Prahl
Vice President, MSCI Research
Boris Prahl is a senior climate researcher and climate-risk product manager with the MSCI Climate Risk Center. He leads design and development of the MSCI Climate Value-at-Risk model for physical climate risks. Previously, he worked on impact assessment for climate hazards as a postdoctoral researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Boris holds a doctorate in meteorology from the Free University Berlin and a master’s degree in physics from Imperial College London.
Research and Insights
Articles by Boris Prahl
Identifying Emerging “Hot Spots” for Physical Risk in the US
6 mins read Blog | Sep 9, 2020 | Patric Kellermann, Boris PrahlClimate change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of physical climate risks such as extreme temperatures, tropical cyclones, torrential rainfall and flooding. Our map identifies emerging climate risk hotspots in the U.S.
How climate change may ‘flood’ global equities
Blog | Feb 5, 2020 | Boris Prahl, David LunsfordOf all the threats to the environment from climate change, sea-level rise may be one of the most devastating and permanent. The question for global equity investors is how coastal-flooding risks may affect their portfolios.