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Ankit Shah
Vice President, MSCI Research
Ankit is a senior member of the MSCI research team responsible for the ongoing management of MSCI equity indexes, including index rebalancing, methodology enhancements and public consultations. Previously, he worked in the corporate-actions team at MSCI and in the investment-banking division at JPMorgan Chase, where he focused on the equities and prime-services businesses. Ankit holds a master’s degree in management from Mumbai University.
Research and Insights
Articles by Ankit Shah
Robust Selection Paid Dividends
Blog | May 22, 2020 | Neeraj Dabake, Ankit ShahDividend cuts following the COVID-19 slowdown led to approximately USD 194 billion of lost dividends between February and April 2020. An approach that looked beyond dividend-yield ranking would have avoided some affected companies, based on our analysis.